Forum Discussion
emil frederiksen
Mar 31, 2021Brass Contributor
Risk of system getting hacked through the internet or Wi-fi?
Dear everyone I am not a high profile person or anything like that. I just dislike the idea, that someone with bad intentions could access my personal files, documents, photos etc. (personal diar...
emil frederiksen
Apr 06, 2021Brass Contributor
Do you mean, that someone could place a button on their website, that I somehow clicked by mistake, so I would grand them access to my PC?
Or could you please try to elaborate.
Thank you!
Or could you please try to elaborate.
Thank you!
Apr 06, 2021Witam To jest dokładnie tak, jak to się robi! Skanowanie nie zrobi nic w tym przypadku, ponieważ sam dał pozwolenie na działanie na urządzeniu! ale nie powinieneś mieć obsesji na jego punkcie! To programy antywirusowe tworzą taką atmosferę, aby udowodnić, że pomogły ci tak bardzo i dobrze, że jest to ich produkt wybrałeś = marketing! normalne korzystanie z komputera jest naprawdę bezpieczne! Powodzenia!
Hi This is exactly how it does it! The scan will do nothing in this case, because he himself gave himself permission to allow the device! but you shouldn't be obsessed with it! For antivirus programs create such an atmosphere to prove that so much and well that it is up to their product you have chosen = marketing! normal use of the computer is really safe! Good luck!
- emil frederiksenApr 06, 2021Brass ContributorCould you please try to reply in english?
It tried translating it from Polish to English, and I was not quite sure about the meaning.- DeletedApr 06, 2021Excuse me! I forgot to translate . Hi This is exactly how it is done! The scan will not do anything in this case, because he himself gave permission to operate on the device! but you shouldn't be obsessed with it! It is antivirus programs create such an atmosphere to prove that they have helped you so much and well that this is their product you have chosen = marketing! normal use of the computer is really safe! Good luck! Addsm yet that the same interest in security will help everyone on this Forum MTC thank you for the topic! Andrzej