Forum Discussion
Benedikt Scheerer
May 11, 2018Brass Contributor
Recovering deleted To-Do task - How?
I accidentially just deleted one of my Microsoft To-Do tasks. I cannot see the trash bin. Is there any?
- Apr 02, 2021
Benedikt Scheerer Allison_Smith123 ereissman Jonathanfmac myanalytics2019
I found the deleted Tasks/list if I export all the To Do's from
After 2-4 days:-
After copying the missing Tasks/list to Tasks in my POP-connected O365 account in Outlook (desktop app), the restored Tasks/list still doesn’t reappear in MS To Do!!! AGH!
Nov 30, 2022Copper Contributor
LLLO365 Thank you for this! I find this incredibly frustrating as I moved tasks from a temporary list to my permanent one, they moved over so I deleted that temp list and suddenly they were totally gone.. so basically To Do messed up and now I have no idea what important tasks I needed to do ugh
Jun 07, 2023Copper Contributor
This just happened to me. I reorganized my lists and even though I moved the tasks before deleting the old list, I've lost a ton of important info. I was so careful and this still happened - kind of insane that you can't restore it!
- Sophiedaly3Jun 07, 2023Copper Contributor
savihara I feel your pain!! It's so annoying isn't it especially when we empty our brain content into these lists & may forget to do something forever
- saviharaJun 16, 2023Copper Contributor
Sophiedaly3 Oh my good gravy I found them!! I connected to Microsoft Exchange Online >mailbox address (my email) > 365 from Power BI, and opened the Tasks table. There they were, under Tasks, and the Folder Path begins with \Deleted Items\
I don't know if I can restore all of the notes within them, but it's better than nothing! 🙂