Forum Discussion

Gem11's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 19, 2020

Date & Time Stamp Microsoft To Do Notes on Task

It would be really useful if there was a keyboard shortcut for entering a date and time stamp in a task within Microsoft To Do.  marcusash 

  • Gem11 

    1. Install AutoHotKey.
    2. Load MyScript.ahk that is included with it (by double clicking). Unless it's already loaded (you should have a green icon with an "H" in your notification tray)
    3. Copy the script from my reply
    4. Right-click on the green "H" icon in your tray and select "Edit this script". It will open MyScript.ahk in Notepad.
    5. Paste the script to the bottom of the file and save.
    6. Right-click on the green "H" icon again and select "Reload this script".
    7. Try typing "qqdt" followed by space in Notepad (or any other app) & see if it works. 
    8. Add a shortcut to "MyScript.ahk" to StartUp. 
    • lathomason's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi, can you please explain how to use autohotkey to date and time stamp on Microsoft To Do tasks.
      • GG2020-'s avatar
        Brass Contributor

        lathomason  I use the following script:


        ;CMD Short Date and Time


        FormatTime, Shorttime, YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, yyy.MM.dd HH:mm

        Send, %Shorttime%



        when I type qqdt, I get 2020.08.31 12:14


        You can edit the date and time format to suit your preferences. I like it in a way that is easy to sort alphabetically when naming files. 

  • It would be nice if this was done Automatically anytime a new note was added by a user and include the "Initials" if on a shared list.  This feature is available on other similar applications such as Todoist which is very handy.

    • ClaireEB's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I assume this work around is for the desktop version of ToDo. I’m an intense tablet user and would like date stamping tasks on the iOS versions. Hope to see this soon.
