Forum Discussion

Noel Fairclough's avatar
Noel Fairclough
Brass Contributor
Oct 31, 2018

Possible (small) bug in SCOM 1807 HTML5 Dashboard?


Hi Community!

Not sure if this is by design or a bug, but thought I'd share it.  In SCOM 1807 when adding a widget to a HTML5 dashboard - if I type an illegal character when looking for a group or object and then try to search - it gives me this warning.  


The issue is the only way out of this is to close the "Add Widget" slide out by clicking the X in the top right hand corner.  The way the interface is laid out, it appears as though I should be able to click the red X in the error message, and it would let me type the name in the search field again.


Anyway I wasn't sure if this is a small issue, or if it's mean to be by design - but thought I'd share it here.




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