Forum Discussion
Using SharePoint REST API on large lists (over 5K data on list)
Hello, I have developed a web part that uses the SharePoint REST API. Web part was working well until the data of my list began to exceed 5K of data. I understand I am exceeding the list view threshold (LVT). I have optimized the query and I am only using indexed columns. It is my understanding that this should work. This is the query: https://<mydomain>/sites/<mysite>/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('Projects%20Database')/Items?$select=Work_x0020_Type,Assigned/Title,Assigned/EMail,Remaining_x0020_Effort&$expand=Assigned&$orderby=Assigned&$top=3000&$filter=(Assigned%20ne%20null)%20and%20((Project_x0020_Status%20ne%20null)%20and%20(Project_x0020_Status%20ne%20%27Submitted%27)%20and%20(Project_x0020_Status%20ne%20%27Complete%27)%20and%20(Project_x0020_Status%20ne%20%27Cancelled%27))