Forum Discussion

eduardomedeiros's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 18, 2022

Unique list item permissions with REST api invalid URL

Hello all,


I'm working on a simple flow that is currently with an error of invalid URL.

The steps are: From a List item I get a client name which I use to create a group. After that I break the item permissions, get the group id and create a variable for PrincipID and provide read-only permissions for that item.


It is not working and I have no clue why. With a pre-created group it works. Here are some prints.







Any suggestion or clue on what I am doing wrong? I have the same process as you can see for another group that already exists and it works.


Thank you in advance.




  • eduardomedeiros's avatar
    Apr 18, 2022
    I solved this, if anyone has a similar problem:

    - Inicialize variable as integer
    - Pass variable to a string

    Thank you.
  • eduardomedeiros's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I forgot to add but this is the Error outputs:

    "statusCode": 400,
    "headers": {
    "Pragma": "no-cache",
    "x-ms-request-id": "f620ca02-0b92-4c61-9a08-f04298233bfb",
    "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains",
    "X-Content-Type-Options": "nosniff",
    "X-Frame-Options": "DENY",
    "Cache-Control": "no-store, no-cache",
    "Set-Cookie": "ARRAffinity=512d29ad664ee83218c06080ff64f669427e410db7510c1ba3db28695213c3be;Path=/;HttpOnly;Secure;,ARRAffinitySameSite=512d29ad664ee83218c06080ff64f669427e410db7510c1ba3db28695213c3be;Path=/;HttpOnly;SameSite=None;Secure;",
    "Timing-Allow-Origin": "*",
    "x-ms-apihub-cached-response": "true",
    "x-ms-apihub-obo": "true",
    "Date": "Thu, 14 Apr 2022 17:19:50 GMT",
    "Content-Length": "630",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Expires": "-1"
    "body": {
    "status": 400,
    "message": "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\"\">\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE>\r\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" Content=\"text/html; charset=us-ascii\"></HEAD>\r\n<BODY><h2>Bad Request - Invalid URL</h2>\r\n<hr><p>HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid.</p>\r\n</BODY></HTML>\r\n\r\nclientRequestId: f620ca02-0b92-4c61-9a08-f04298233bfb",
    "source": "'ListName')/items(115)/roleassignments/addroleassignment(principalid=116%0A%0D,roledefid=1073741826)",
    "errors": []
    • eduardomedeiros's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I solved this, if anyone has a similar problem:

      - Inicialize variable as integer
      - Pass variable to a string

      Thank you.
