Forum Discussion
spfx webpart - AADSTS50011 - The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs
I am writing a react web part that I am trying to test in the spfx workbench. It attempts to signon with the following url
I have registered the app in Azure Portal; App Registrations; Authentication TAB and set the redirect uri to:
and saved.
When I start up the workbench and add the web part I get:
AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application: '00d57ce0-04a7-4e18-a252-7ae583f92411'.
I do not have the issue if I use the same code outside of spfx.
I am using yeoman spfx generator v 1.10.0.
Please help.
m_balcarek I think there was just a delay because the issue disappeared after some time.
- m_balcarekCopper Contributor
m_balcarek I think there was just a delay because the issue disappeared after some time.