Forum Discussion
Brent Ellis
Aug 07, 2017Silver Contributor
Something went wrong error (SPFX React Script Editor)
So i've been using the Modern Script Editor Web Part (SPFX) for several weeks now, and all the sudden in the past hour every web part has stopped working. I don't know where to begin troubleshooting...
Brent Ellis
Silver Contributor
CCing Mikael Svenson
Mikael Svenson
Aug 07, 2017Steel Contributor
Not sure, but I'll check it tomorrow at a client where I have deployed it. And nice that it's in use :)
- Brent EllisAug 07, 2017Silver Contributormuch appreciated, it works amazingly for all kinds of little and big things (and it is the big things down I'm worried about at the moment)
- Brent EllisAug 07, 2017Silver ContributorOk, I rebuilt everything from scratch and re-uploaded app, and all seems to be fixed. No good explanation to what broke, but at least it is working again.
- Joseph VelliahAug 07, 2017Copper Contributor
I am facing the same issue. I have packaged a SPFX WebPart last night and that is working fine. But all the other webparts deployed earlier are failing.
We are also facing the "Token renewal operation failed due to timeout" error in SPFX webpart with Azure implicit flow
- Joseph VelliahAug 07, 2017Copper ContributorYes, Brent is correct. The Web Part which I packaged recently is working fine.
- Mikael SvensonAug 08, 2017Steel ContributorWeird.. tested now at my client and it works without re-building it. Seems to me there might have been an update to SPFx which broke some parts depending on when they were built.
- Joseph VelliahAug 08, 2017Copper Contributor
We are notcing this issue in our test teant. Production tenant looks good. Try to deploy a sample webpart with moment or angular.