Forum Discussion
Search by ListID
I am using the following query to return all folders and files within a library:'%7b%23b0cf5083-6025-4683-939b-c087090403e6%7d+OR+%7b%236c1f4aeb-8b00-4f59-9513-2bac10d68d42%7d+OR+%7b%233952af4a-06c6-4049-abd1-c7407790468e%7d+OR+%7b%2366d659b4-a703-4ed8-bdb7-1b5dc954e24d%7d'&enableinterleaving=false&rowlimit=100&clienttype='ContentSearchRegular'
Query text: {#b0cf5083-6025-4683-939b-c087090403e6} OR {#6c1f4aeb-8b00-4f59-9513-2bac10d68d42} OR {#3952af4a-06c6-4049-abd1-c7407790468e} OR {#66d659b4-a703-4ed8-bdb7-1b5dc954e24d}
In my user everything is correct, but in other users the searches are inconsistent. There are some that return fewer files and what surprised me the most is that for one in particular it returns half a million results when there are barely 50 files inside the folders. Is there something wrong with the query?