Forum Discussion
Mike Jansen
Mar 21, 2017Iron Contributor
Rest api search query --- Lookup field issue
I have a document library which has a custom field "Label" this Label field is a lookup field (to a list) multiple values allowed. For example my documentlibrary:
Title Label
doc1 labelY, labelX
doc2 labelX
doc3 labelY, labelZ
Now I want to create a rest query to filter documents by Label
So far I have this:'Documents')/items?&select='Label%2cTitle%2cType'&refinementfilters='Label:contains('labelX')'
However, this gives me all documents in the library. So no filtering.
And when I check the xml result "Label" is referred as an ID to the list and not as "labelX"
What is wrong in my approach?
Thanks, Mike
- Haven't tested it, but it should work with the $filter:
/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Documents')/items?$select=*,Label/Title&$expand=Label&$filter=Label/Title eq 'labelX'
Let us know how it goes.
- Brent EllisSilver ContributorMike, don't have a ready of example of this, but you may have to "expand" it to get the Label text. By default, all you see is the ID.
For example, getting "more" fields for a user field is done like this:
<site>/_api/web/Lists(guid'<LIST ID>')/Items?$expand=PERSONFIELD&$select=*,PERSONFIELD/EMail- Mike JansenIron Contributor
Hi Brent Ellis
Great!! This works:'Documents')/items?$expand=Label&$select=*,Label/Title
But now I need to get it to the next level. I want to filter on "LabelX"
Something like this:'Documents')/items?$expand=Label&$select=*,Label/Title&refinementfilters='Label/Title eq ('labelX')
Any suggestions?
- Haven't tested it, but it should work with the $filter:
/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Documents')/items?$select=*,Label/Title&$expand=Label&$filter=Label/Title eq 'labelX'
Let us know how it goes.