Forum Discussion

mauros801's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 18, 2019

Remediate broken inheritance

Hello, as we know the action "share" in Sharepoint actually breaks the inheritance cascading from the object that is shared. I have a scenario where a user must be granted access to entire SP sites or libraries (not through share but through direct access, action performed by the IT admin) bu this causes this user to have access to the whole library until there's a shared folder... he has not access to that folder and the folder tree below. Is this situation remediable or not? My users are starting complaining about that and I do not believe it works in this way.

  • mrehmat's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    mauros801  When inheritance is broken, no one loses access. That means, if the original SharePoint groups remain intact, you can add the new user to one of those groups and they would have access. If not, you may need to script your way through this situation. 

    • mauros801's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      ok so you mean that each object should have only permission on the three standard groups and that I need to populate these groups with users/other groups?
      • mrehmat's avatar
        Brass Contributor


        mauros801 wrote:
        ok so you mean that each object should have only permission on the three standard groups and that I need to populate these groups with users/other groups?

        Once inheritance is broken, its not necessary that each 'shared entity' would only have permissions on those three default groups. When people share, depending on how they share, they introduce granular permissions. This means that after the 'share' action, the 'shared entity' would have more permissions than the three default groups. 
        what I am suggesting is that you can add people to one of those default groups and not worry about what share is doing. So yes, you need to populate the three default groups. 
