Forum Discussion
Quick Links not visible when created using TypeScript/PnP
Hi, all
I'm using TypeScript and the @pnp/sp library to create a modern page and add a Quick Links webpart to it. The page is created, but it's empty.
To get the json, I added a Quick Links webpart to the workbench page and copied the info from Web part data.
This is my try (I cut the json a bit short in this post):
const page = await sp.web.addClientSidePage("My page.aspx");
var json = `{"controlType":3,"displayMode":2,"id":"15a5cbef-6e4c-40d4-8d53...}`; // etc
const typeHash = {json};
page.addSection().addControl(new ClientSideWebpart("some title","some description", typeHash));
The page is created nicely, but it's empty. Can anyone please point me in the right direction.
- Deleted
It's not exactly the same way, but I'm provisioning a "Quick Links" web part as part of a Site Provisioning script written in PnP. What I found was I had to configure the web part and add the links after the initial web part had been created and applied.
$quicklinkswebpart = Add-PnPClientSideWebPart -Page $page -DefaultWebPartType "QuickLinks" -Section 2 -Column 1 | Select -ExpandProperty InstanceId
$jsonsite = Get-PnPSite
$jsonsiteurl = $jsonsite.url
$jsongetwebid = Get-PnPWeb | Select -ExpandProperty id
$jsonwebid = $jsongetwebid.guid
$getquicklinks = Get-PnPClientSidePage -Identity $pagename | Select -ExpandProperty Controls | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq "Quick links"} | Select -ExpandProperty InstanceId#SET JSON PROPERTIES FOR QUICK LINKS
$jsonProps = @"
"title":"Quick links",
"description":"Add links to important documents and pages.",
"title":"Quick links",
"items[0].title":"Link 1",
"items[1].title":"Link 2",
"items[2].title":"Link 3",
"@- PapagenoSwedenCopper Contributor
You mean first create the new page, then load it again and add the Quick Links? Ok, I'll give it a try. Thanks for your answer.