Forum Discussion
Roberto Ramon Berna
Aug 19, 2016Copper Contributor
PnP Upgrade to the last version
Hi all,
I would like to upgrade the PnP version in one of our projects. I have seen a PowerShell command to upgrade the scheme but when I try to use it I'm getting the error attached in the image.
The command is Convert-SPOProvisioningTemplate -Path "...."
Have you tried applying the template to a site. (while the tmeplate is in the olde format)
exporting the site with Get-SPOProvisioningTemplate
This should give you the latest version of a template.
- Deleted
first rollout a site with your version next use Pieter solution you can add a template version to it:
Get-SPOProvisioningTemplate -IncludeSiteCollectionTermGroup -Force -Out C:\temp\testpaul1108.pnp -Schema V201605