Forum Discussion
Jul 18, 2021Copper Contributor
PnP Issue with getting List Permissions on a List with Broken Inheritance
Hi there.
I have a simple script that i use to copy permissions from one SharePoint Site collection to another. I need to use the 'Get-PnPListPermissions' command to retrieve the Permissions Levels (Read, Contribute, Full Control etc.) from a certain group within the List. I have a sample of my code below:
$list_perms = Get-PnPListPermissions -Identity "My Document Lib" -PrincipalId (Get-PnPGroup -Identity "Test Group").Id
The problem here is that it will retrieve the permissions from the site level group, but not the List level group that has broken inheritance to the site level. I have tweaked the permissions of this List group, so I am not able to retrieve these unique permissions.
It's almost like the List does not exist in this command. Is this a glitch maybe? Could someone help me with this
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