Forum Discussion

Jeremy Kelley (SHAREPOINT)'s avatar
Jan 26, 2017

Please share your feedback on the SPFx Workbench

Hi everyone!


We're beginning to take a look at what should go in the next version of the SPFx Workbench.  If you've tried it out we'd love to get your feedback on what features would make it more useful to you as developers. 


Are there things it could do that would make you more productive?  Things that would help improve the quality of the projects you're building with SPFx?  All feedback is welcome and will help us plan out the next set of improvements.

    • To have a full modern page experience (with the possibility of three columns etc.) instead of the current single column centred experience
    • Able to see how the content looks rendered in mobile experience / SharePoint App (I know this is possible through most browser dev tools, but might be nice to do it directly from Workbench)
    • A logger/call outs that captures the requests and responses generated by the web part - again, I understand that this is available in most browser dev tools
    • Nigel Witherdin's avatar
      Nigel Witherdin
      Iron Contributor

      Ok Im an idiot :) I just switched back to the Workbench to coninue development and noticed the "mobile" and "tablet" links already available there  *duh*

    • Nigel Witherdin's avatar
      Nigel Witherdin
      Iron Contributor

      Ok Im an idiot :) I just switched back to the Workbench to coninue development and noticed the "mobile" and "tablet" links already available there  *duh*

  • Can you change the default port from 5432 please? That is the standard port used by PostgreSQL.

  • Michel Weber's avatar
    Michel Weber
    Copper Contributor

    Allow to preview translated web part metadata in the toolbox in the workbench


    When building multilingual web parts, developers should be able to verify that the different translations are displayed correctly in the web part toolbox. They should be able to verify this during the development process using workbench.


    At the moment, only en-us is shown.


    This was discovered by Waldek Mastykarz, i only repeat it here so it gets the attention it deserves.

    This is described in more detail in this issue:



  • Nigel Price's avatar
    Nigel Price
    Iron Contributor

    It would appear that you can only have one Node.js command prompt at a time otherwise you get an error :- [14:00:05] Error - Unknown
     listen EADDRINUSE :::4321
    { [Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::5432]
      code: 'EADDRINUSE',
      errno: 'EADDRINUSE',
      syscall: 'listen',
      address: '::',
      port: 5432 }
    [14:00:05] Error - Unknown
     listen EADDRINUSE :::5432


    Which I think is the SPFx workbench port number.


    Could we have more than one Node.js command prompt running at once please ?





    • Hi Nigel!  Can you let me know what command (or sequence of commands) you're executing when you get that error?  I don't seem to have trouble keeping a couple Node.JS windows open at a time but it's likely just that I'm not doing exactly what you are.  Thanks!



      • Nigel_Price9911's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        Hi Jeremy

          I was just using gulp serve in both command windows with different webparts.




