Forum Discussion
null null
May 22, 2017Iron Contributor
JS link OOB option.
I am trying to use JS link by uploading the js file to the style library and then going to task list, edit page, web part properties and miscellaneous-> paste the link to the js file. However, i ...
Danny Engelman
Jun 01, 2017Iron Contributor
For CSR development always use Chrome and the Extension Cisar, it does the templating for you and manages all the JSLinks for you, it is the best thing since sliced bread..
Then replace that MSDN code for a Status color in a View with:
function statusColor( ctx, CurrentFieldSchema, CurrentItem, ListSchema ){ if (CurrentItem.hasOwnProperty(CurrentFieldSchema.Name + '.groupHeader')) { //do nothing when this Choice field is used in a Group By return CurrentItem[CurrentFieldSchema.Name]; } var _status=CurrentItem[ CurrentFieldSchema.Name ].Label, _html='<span style="color:{0}; font-weight:{1};">{2}</span>', _color='none', _weight='bold'; switch(_status){ case('Not Started'): case('OnHold'): _color='gold'; break; case('Active'): _color='green'; break; case('Completed'): _color='blue'; break; case('At Risk'): case('Cancelled'): case('Overdue'): _color='red'; break; default: _html='{2}'; } return( String.format(_html, _color, _weight, _status) ); }