Forum Discussion

Andrew Stitt's avatar
Andrew Stitt
Copper Contributor
May 11, 2023

Hyperlink/Picture Column suddenly breaks external images in Gallery/Card Designer

We use a Flow with an API connection to grab image links from an external vendor and populate that data to the Hyperlink or Picture column of a SharePoint list. We then add JSON formatting to display the image links in a Gallery view. The Hyperlink or Picture Column is set to display as Picture.


The external images still display fine in the list item view, just not the Gallery/Card view. This was working fine for several months, but something seems to have changed over the last weekend, causing externally linked images in Picture/Hyperlink Columns to break. 


I setup a simple test list to display this behavior using a public domain image.


External Image link:


Internal Image link:



Here is an All Items List View sample:

Here is a Gallery/Card Designer View sample of the same list:

No JSON used in these examples, just the default Gallery / Card Designer:

I've experimented with the Image column, which doesn't seem to exhibit this issue, but unfortunately that column is not available in the Create Items step of the Flow so I assume it cannot be dynamically populated.
