russell gove
Nov 28, 2016Copper Contributor
How to implement a full-page property pane in SPFX webpart
I am trying to create an SPFX webpart to allow users to edit list items in multiple lists across multiple sites. To do this I need a lot of configuration info (i.e. users need to select the lists, and then for each list, select the columns to be edited) I am envisioning doing this configuration in a grid control, but this obviously won’t fit in the property pane. Is there a recommended way to do this?
I created a grid component to do the configuration and added it to my app using react Router. Can I directly set the ‘Properties’ property of the BaseClientSideWebPart in my component. How would I get it to persist? Can I change the behavior of the ‘edit webpart’ icon (the pencil) to route to my component in the react router somehow?