Forum Discussion

Daniel Westerdale's avatar
Daniel Westerdale
Iron Contributor
Feb 13, 2020

Getting the group owner for each Office 365 Group


Using a minimilst approach to PowerShell , I am looking to show the group name and the name(s) of each owner 


Connect-PnPOnline -Scopes "Group.ReadWrite.All","User.Read.All","Directory.Read.All","Sites.Read.All"
# create an interim collection whilst I test
$unifiedGroups = Get-PnPUnifiedGroups

$unifiedGroups[3] | foreach { $GroupName = $_.DisplayName; $groupId = $_.GroupId;  $groupOwner = Get-PnpUnifiedGroupOwners -Identity $groupId ; Write-Host "$groupName | $groupOwner" }


It almost works but it's the group owner that is stressing me


MyTestOfficeGroup | OfficeDevPnP.Core.Entities.UnifiedGroupUser


I just need resolve this collection for each group and or  rewrite the snippet above using  Select-Object, to replace the Write-host.


One thing I have noticed is issues displaying the Site Urls. 


DisplayName                    Group Id                               Site URL
-----------                    --------                               --------
MyTestOfficeGroup        ??????-610f-4639-8a3e-09e6717143ed   The caller does not have permission...



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