Forum Discussion

María José Pedreira's avatar
María José Pedreira
Brass Contributor
Jun 29, 2017

Datetime Format for site columns - PNP

Hi, I need to add a new site column, with DateTime Type, using PnP.

I can do that using next command:

Add-PnPField -DisplayName "Birthday" -InternalName "dateBirthday" -Group "TEST" -Type DateTime

My problem is that I need create the column with Date only format... When I use previous command by default columns site are created with Date&Time format.

Thank you!


  • Hi María José Pedreira


    Try this:


    Add-PnPFieldFromXml '<Field Type="DateTime" DisplayName="My Test Column" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="DateOnly" Group="Custom Columns" FriendlyDisplayFormat="Disabled" ID="{10ce4fed-921a-4d51-a870-534605bf89be}" SourceID="{6cf53ae4-314b-435e-9685-19b7f7b8df07}" StaticName="MyTestColumn2" Name="MyTestColumn2"></Field>'


  • Try this:


    Add-PnPFieldFromXml '<Field Type="DateTime" DisplayName="My Test Column" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="DateOnly" Group="Custom Columns" FriendlyDisplayFormat="Disabled" ID="{10ce4fed-921a-4d51-a870-534605bf89be}" SourceID="{6cf53ae4-314b-435e-9685-19b7f7b8df07}" StaticName="MyTestColumn2" Name="MyTestColumn2"></Field>'
    • María José Pedreira's avatar
      María José Pedreira
      Brass Contributor

      Hi Pieter Veenstra,


      your command works fine!
      Could you give me explanation about  ID and SourceID??... Is there any way to avoid guids? 

      Add-PnPFieldFromXml '<Field Type="DateTime" 
      				DisplayName="My Test Column" 
      				Indexed="FALSE" Format="DateOnly" 
      				Group="Custom Columns" 


      • Pieter Veenstra's avatar
        Pieter Veenstra

        Hi María José Pedreira,


        The sourceID doesn't matter too much. you can even remove that. It's there as I exported the xml from an example field that I created.


        The ID just needs to be unique in your site collection. 

    • Jeff Angama's avatar
      Jeff Angama
      Copper Contributor

      I had issue when source ID is not specified on SharePoint 2013 => the search would not crawl the site column..


      I'm sharing my helper


      $fieldTitle = "Target Date"
      $fieldInternalName= "targetDate"
      $guid = [guid]::NewGuid()
      cm_Add-PnpField-DateOnly $fieldTitle $fieldInternalName $guid $customGroup


      function cm_Add-PnpField-DateOnly($fieldTitle,$fieldInternalName,$guid,$fieldGroup){
      $targetDate = '<Field Type="DateTime" DisplayName="'+$fieldTitle+'" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="DateOnly" Group="' + $fieldGroup +'" FriendlyDisplayFormat="Disabled" ID="{'+$guid+'}" SourceID="{'+$guid+'}" StaticName="'+$fieldInternalName+'" Name="'+$fieldInternalName+'"></Field>'
      Add-PnPFieldFromXml $targetDate

  • Hi María José Pedreira


    Try this:


    Add-PnPFieldFromXml '<Field Type="DateTime" DisplayName="My Test Column" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="DateOnly" Group="Custom Columns" FriendlyDisplayFormat="Disabled" ID="{10ce4fed-921a-4d51-a870-534605bf89be}" SourceID="{6cf53ae4-314b-435e-9685-19b7f7b8df07}" StaticName="MyTestColumn2" Name="MyTestColumn2"></Field>'

