Forum Discussion

SurajRautDev's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 11, 2023

Creating usercontext for SharePoint Online site in a .netcore Web API without username and password

As per my understanding, Microsoft provides an authorizing mechanism for generating an access token on behalf of a user. The million-dollar question is , if Microsoft allows generation of an access token outside SharePoint context, for any user and if a user context can be created which is similar to SPFX webparts to extract data for a specific user , based on his permission.

The following are the steps I tried.



  1. I created an Azure AD app and gave the following permissions. These permissions were only set to read the site data.



  1. In order to generate the Authorization Code,  the user has to be redirected to the Microsoft identity platform. It will ask the user to login. I did not see any way to get the Auth code without User intervention.{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize

      I created the following request to generate the Authorization code[Azure AD Tenant ID]/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?

client_id=[Azure AD Client ID]







  1. Next, is exchanging the Authorization code for an Access token.This is done by hitting the following:{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token

I passed the following parameters to the above endpoint

    1. client_id: The client ID of your registered application.
    2. client_secret: The client secret of your registered application.
    3. redirect_uri: The redirect URI specified during application registration.
    4. code: The authorization code obtained from the previous step.
    5. grant_type: Set this to "authorization_code".


  1. Next , use the access token to create the context for SharePoint. When I run the code to read a SharePoint resource, I get 401 unauthorized.


  1. I wasn’t able to generate Authorization code for non admin users, which requires a consent. I get the following error.
    1. AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '6692f227-5d5f-4efa-be3e-a96bfac92840' named 'Azure AD App'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.\r\nTrace ID: 8d869845-142d-40b3-8c73-1cf564a60a00\r\nCorrelation ID: 7570b751-e266-4010-ad75-4040cef3b3fa\r\nTimestamp: 2023-06-08 04:57:26Z",


  1. I require someone to validate my understanding and give their valuable insights on this.
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