Forum Discussion
Batch Update list items In SharePoint List Using JSOM/CSOM
Hi again,
I'm not sure what changed . setting the timeout to infinite worked .But now it doesn't work any more. :(
See my code below. How can i batch update the items and calling executeQueryAsync each time. This is where i need help with.
Thanks in Advance
function updateMultipleListItems()
var itemArray = [];
var clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
//Stop it from timing out (infinite) but doesn't work
clientContext.RequestTimeout = -1;
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('bers');
var oItem = ListItemToBeUpdated.get_current();
var oListItem = oList.getItemById(oItem.get_id());
oListItem.set_item('UpdateField', 'Update');
console..log("updated yes");
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(updateMultipleListItemsSuccess, updateMultipleListItemsFailed);
Hi Patrick Rote
So according to your first error message, it looks like the problem is that your request size is too large (2MB), not that you're experiencing a timeout in your client context.
If you wanted to run executeQueryAsync for every item you update, you could just move
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(updateMultipleListItemsSuccess, updateMultipleListItemsFailed);
into the code block above just after you load. Otherwise, you could use a pattern like FredrikOhrn suggested and update your loop to executeQueryAsync in whatever batch size you'd like (try 50).