Forum Discussion
Brent Ellis
Jan 19, 2018Silver Contributor
PowerApps Rule (hide or disable if you are not in a particular Group)?
I am messing with PowerApps, and trying to see if it is possible to hide of disable certain elements based on Group membership.
e.g. have a SharePoint Group (or maybe a Security Group) called "...
Jeffrey Thorpe
Feb 03, 2018Iron Contributor
The only way to do something like this at this time is to create a list with the admin users. Then in the OnStart you would pull that list into a collection (e.g. colAdminUsers) and create a variable (e.g. gvIsAdmin) and set the value (true/false) by checking if the current user is listed in colAdminUsers. Now that gvIsAdmin is set you can use the variable with different fields to change the visibility, display mode or other properties.
Mahendra Gohel
Feb 14, 2018Copper Contributor
Can you please give an example ? as i am new to PowerApps i don't know how to save this to collection and use it for show/hide.