Forum Discussion
Button Flow error when run from executeFlow in SharePoint list
I am trying to figure out why my Flow, set up as a manual trigger, will not work when I try to run it from a json-formatted executeFlow action in a SharePoint list display. It runs fine when I trigger it manually from the Flow console. This is the error I get:
Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Get_item' inputs at line '1' and column '1865': 'The template language expression 'json(decodeBase64(triggerOutputs().headers['X-MS-APIM-Tokens']))['$connections']['shared_sharepointonline']['connectionId']' cannot be evaluated because property 'X-MS-APIM-Tokens' doesn't exist, available properties are 'Connection, Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Host, Referer, User-Agent, Origin, Content-Length, Content-Type'. Please see for usage details.'.
And this is the json snippet that generates the action:
"customRowAction": {
"action": "executeFlow",
"actionParams": "{\"id\": \"220f7fcf-cf31-4986-9dd9-058c458be0ba\"}"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Deleted , Did you ever find a solution for this. I'm running into the same issue.
- UniverseCitiz3nCopper ContributorHi,
I had this issue too. Did you used this post:
Laura in her video is using Flow trigger : For a selected item . I've changed Flow trigger from 'Manually trigger a flow' to 'For a selected item' which is sharepoint trigger and then after pressing button in sharepoint flow got correct token and flow started without problems!
I hope it will help you.