Forum Discussion
Jun 24, 2021Iron Contributor
Variable in Graph Request Body (PowerShell)
Working off the following URL:
When I execute the following command in my PowerShell script it works flawlessly
$PWCBody = '{
"newPassword" : "ssd$$FGW!!",
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn" : true
$PWCURI = ""
$PWChange = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $PWCURI -Headers $HeaderDelegate -body $PWCbody -Method POST -ContentType "application/json"
However, when I change the Request Body newPassword to variable I get a (403) Bad Request.
$PWCBody = '{
"newPassword" : $password,
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn" : true
How can i handle a variable in a Requested Body that's surrounded by single quotes?
Thank You,
- SOLUTION: I had to add " | ConvertTo-Json" at the end Request Body
$PWCBody = @{
newPassword = $password
forceChangePasswordNextSignIn = $true
} | ConvertTo-Json
- Try this:
$PWCBody = @{
"newPassword" = $password
}- EntilZhaIron ContributorThank You for responding Vasil...
I tried using that format
$PWCBody = @{
"newPassword" = $password
Still getting the following message "Invoke-RestMethod : The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."
Thank You,
-Larry- Yeah, they have terrible error handling on that endpoint. Bad request can mean anything from "you provided an invalid password" to "user is blocked" to "you are using application permissions and they don't work here". If it's still not working, capture the proper error message as detailed here: