Forum Discussion
Dec 14, 2021Copper Contributor
The ms-appinstaller protocol has been disabled.
I just found out that users can no longer install my MSIX from my website. This is a WPF application packaged with "Windows Application Packaging Project" (wapproj). When users click the "Get the app" button they now see the error below saying the protocol has been disabled. Why is this? Is this permanent? Is there a way to enable it?
There's a short mention of this in the docs but it doesn't mention why this is happening or how to enable it.
Installing Windows 10 apps from a web page - MSIX | Microsoft Docs
Is this no longer supported?
<h1> MyApp Web Page </h1>
<a href="ms-appinstaller:?source="> Install app package </a>
<a href="ms-appinstaller:?source="> Install app bundle </a>
<a href="ms-appinstaller:?source="> Install related set </a>
The ms-appinstaller protocol has been disabled. Please ask the vendor to update the weblink. For more information go to
bvenhaus Thank you for your question. We removed the ms-appinstaller custom scheme due to a security vulnerability. We do intend to bring this back, and are working on it. For now, you can update the link on your website by removing 'ms-appinstaller:?source='
<html> <body> <h1> MyApp Web Page </h1> <a href=""> Install app package </a> <a href=""> Install app bundle </a> <a href=""> Install related set </a> </body> </html>
- XanderTheManderCopper Contributor
For anybody that is still having issues with this here is how I temporarily solved this problem.
When my application starts up it checks the version number (manually maintained in my App.xaml) against the version hosted on our webserver. If there is an updated version it downloads a zip file with msix and the generated shell scripts. It then upzips the files and runs the shell script through PowerShell to install the new version.Note that this requires the device be in developer mode because executing the shell script is considered installing from an unknown publisher. I'm sure somebody smarter than me could find a work around that doesn't require developer mode (if so reply so I can make the changes).
- jmiddourCopper ContributorYou might want to try signing the powershell scripts. We looked into doing that (for other reasons) a while back and it made windows significantly happier when it came to uac issues.
- JayBeaversBrass ContributorFYI, there is now a blog post about this:
- hrb-2Brass ContributorThanks for sharing this information. Are you willing to share your scripts (genericized for security concerns of course) and/or provide further details? Unfortunately, it won't help us much as we were in the early stages of an initial rollout so 90% of our users community would not be able to use this workaround but it may help others with an established user base. This Microsoft created debacle also impacts new installs from the internet which use the same protocol, so we are unable to move forward.
- DuncanStoneCopper Contributor
hrb-2You can see my solution here
It does not use shell scripts (which also means it does not require developer mode) but you should be able to work out how to change that.
This is a workaround for a much older
bugfeature but it works here too.While we are on the subject, if you are manually editing your appinstaller file and/or your users are doing a lot of patching or installing at the moment, it is worth paying attention to this one as well:
- softwarenerdCopper ContributorWe are also being affected by this with our packaged and signed WPF .Net Core application. I hope a real resolution is reached soon.
- Reilly_Wood2335Brass Contributor
This is completely unacceptable for an installation technology. MSIX team: if you’re not willing to properly support AppInstaller, please put it it out of its misery.
- hrb-2Brass ContributorReilly, while I agree completely with you about the support being unacceptable, the proper action would be to make it work no matter how many band-aids are required until an acceptable replacement is available. For UWP apps the writing may be on the wall anyway. This is starting to feel a lot like Silverlight. I only hope that we get a fix to carry us over till a re-write can be done in another technology. A company that can spend 67.8 BILLION on an acquisition but does not supply the necessary resources to fix an internal problem has lost interest in that product.
- SonofsmogCopper Contributor
hrb-2 Maybe for UWP. Our UWP line of business App is actually in the Windows Store (well Windows Store for Business), but this was such a simpler solution. And Microsoft pushed the Windows Application Packaging Platform for everything so we have been using it to sideload WPF projects, but NoooOo.. They gotta break it just when things were getting easier to deploy. Unbelievable.. lol actually totally believable.
- JamievanWalsumCopper ContributorMicrosoft,
How do we auto update side loaded UWP / WinUI3 Apps now that you have disabled this?
How long will this be disabled for? it is a critical feature. - jmiddourCopper Contributor
To anyone else facing implementing a workaround and is using Azure pipelines:
here is a yaml task that will edit the generated html to remove the protocol and include explicit instructions that the button will cause a download, and the downloaded file should be run.
Anonymized example from my implementation:
And here is the task:
- task: PowerShell@2 inputs: targetType: 'inline' script: | $x = gci -Recurse *.html $page = get-content $x $newpage = $page | foreach { [regex]::Replace( $_,'ms-appinstaller\:\?source\=','' ) } $newpage = $newpage | foreach { [regex]::Replace( $_,'(<div class.*app-description[^<]*</div>)','$1'+[System.Environment]::NewLine+'<div class="insert instructions"><p style="color:red" >Installation instructions:<br>1. Click the install button to begin download of installer file<br>2. After download completes run installer file to install application</p></div>' ) } set-content $x -Value $newpage
Note that there may be more efficient ways of accomplishing this, but I went with what I knew and could make generic.
- JamievanWalsumCopper ContributorThanks for this.
Do you know if the auto update feature to work still when applying this work around?
I am using the AppInstallerUpdateFrequency msbuild argum in my build pipeline.- jmiddourCopper ContributorJamievanWalsum -- as far as I know, the auto update will still work. Our apps that have been converted to msix don't have frequent updates right now, so I don't know from first hand experience yet. If I run into issues, I will post here.
- zipswichBrass ContributorOur Microsoft Store app package for sideloading on our website has this issue.
If my understanding is correct, we just need to remove "ms-appinstaller:?source=" in index.html generated by Visual Studio.
In other words:
<a href='ms-appinstaller:?source='>
<a href=''>
- MikeHBrass ContributorUpdates do work, yes. The .appinstaller file helpfully contains its own URL and that's what's used for update checking.
- deonb1Copper Contributor
Do you have a timeframe on when this will be addressed?
We have an .exe that is shipped on thousands of 3rd party drives that calls an ms-appinstaller link through the shell (no browser or web page involved). There isn't a way for us to just "update" the URL to not use ms-appinstaller.
- BC2112Copper ContributorThis is a killer. Please provide an ETA for this fix.
- tomcrevierBrass ContributorAgreed, this is crazy, how can you break our devops workflow like this?
- ticktokCopper ContributorI'm affected by this bas well. Can we have a timeline for when this is likely to be fixed?
- ChreesMBrass Contributor
Aditi_Narvekar - As MSIX is the flagship technology for deploying and updating Microsoft applications, I hope M$ is taking what amounts to a service outage as a very high priority. This issue has broken our entire devops workflow and is affecting user confidence in the solution. The additional manual steps required as a workaround at the moment are not appropriate for our user base.
- DuncanStoneCopper ContributorAnyone found a workaround for the wapproj generated html? I dont love having to edit it every time I deploy a test build.