Forum Discussion
Notepad++ 8.5.7 and "ExplorerCommandHandler" used to register the Context Menu
Here also context menu issues with App-V 5.1.
Notepad++ 7.8.5 works fine
Notepad++ 8.5.8 doesn't work:
Does someone know if there is a way to resolve it?
- Oct 30, 2023When repackaging for App-V, the only solution right now is as follows:
After installing/configuring the app, use the registry to modify the SHELL file association under "Classes\*" (there might be a ProgID involved, so if so look there -- I am going from memory here!)
Under the shell entry you'll find a value name of "ExplorerCommandHandler". You can remove everything under the "Shell" key, and then under that add a traditional Shell Integration (since the menu provided by the shell extension is the same every time), which is a key "Open" containing a key "Command" with a default value of the path to the Notepad++ exe file with "%1" as an argument.
See for more explanation.- Roger_WernliNov 20, 2023Copper Contributor
Hi Tim
Thanks and sorry for the late reply.
The "old" context menu does work but the icon is missing.
On the sequenzer the icon is shown and the parameter has has been added to the registry.
On a test client if i look outside of the Notepad++ virtual environment the icon parameter has not been published.
If i look inside of the Notepad++ virtual environment the icon parameter is available but the path has not been resolved.
I think the path should look like in the command key.
Any idea why this is happening?
kind regards
- Nov 21, 2023
The approach to fix the problem by turning the shell extension into a traditional shell entry is something done in the native registry while in monitoring mode, so paths should look "normal".
But I did take a look this morning at the solutions that I added for this issues in my software. The fixes are based on supporting the ignored registration as shell extensions by manipulating the AppXManifest file. This support was added for MSIX in TMEditX 6.5, and has been coded in an unlreleased version of TMEdit for App-V at this time (it will be in v 3.7 of TMEdit when released).
For MSIX Packaing, the solution for the problem that I added focuses on supporting the skipped shell extension context menu handler. This, of course, only works on Windows 11.
Rather than turn the ignored shell extension into a Shell key, I modified the AppXManifest to support the shell extension. The adjusted AppXManifest file is attached in the image. It is the desktop4:Extension element near the bottom. Both desktop4 and desktop5 schemas needed to be added at the top of the file as well. Again, this is a solution for MSIX on Windows 11 as the extensions don't work on Windows 10.