Forum Discussion
May 28, 2021Copper Contributor
MSIX: Unable to update TargetDevice in Manifest XML file
Hello Team, Issue: MSIX: Unable to update TargetDevice in Manifest file Scenario: Packaging Build machine version:1909 Test machine version: 1809 and 1803 Error: Unsupported version while deploy...
- Jun 04, 2021
Hi shreedhar_ghare,
According to the Supported platforms - MSIX | Microsoft Docs article, the Windows Apps with Services is unsupported on your targeted client devices. As this functionality is only supported on Windows 10 2004 (and newer).
The MSIX Packaging Tool will automatically override the version settings to Windows 10 Insider Build (November 2019) version: 10.0.19025.0 if an App service is detected. Which explains why when you set your version to below this value, the tool will override it.
Apologies, I must have copied the link incorrectly. Thank you for sharing the log information in this post.
If this comment has answered your question, please mark it as Best Answer and close out the post. If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to us by creating a new post in our Tech Community :-).
Jun 01, 2021Hi shreedhar_ghare,
Thank you for reaching out, I'd be happy to help out.
Please provide some additional information:
- Can you confirm that the device you are failing to install on is Windows 10 1909.
- Please provide the steps you performed when updating the Min and tested versions of the Windows App in the AppXManifest.
- What value were you attempting to set for the MinVersion, and TestVersion?
- If you are using the Microsoft Packaging Tool to edit the AppXManifest, which version of the tool are you using?
Question: Is there any restriction of using the same build for packaging and for testing?
- Answer: The Windows 10 Build that you test on, should be reflective of the devices existing in your environment. Meaning if all of your Windows 10 devices are on Ver. 1909, you should be testing your Windows Apps on Ver. 1909.
Jun 02, 2021Copper Contributor
Thank you very much for your response!!!
Please find my comments below,
Can you confirm that the device you are failing to install on is Windows 10 1909.
Yes that is correct 1909(OS Build 18363.1556)
Please provide the steps you performed when updating the Min and tested versions of the Windows App in the AppXManifest.
- Select .MSIX file and right click to edit in MSIX packaging Tool
- From Package Editor select "Open File" under Manifest file section
- Manifest file will be open in notepad.exe the replace belo line
old:<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="10.0.19025.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.19041.1" />
new <TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="10.0.18363.1556" MaxVersionTested="10.0.19041.1" />
- Click Save button then it will ask to increase Pakcage version select "Yes Increment"
- New MSIX file will be generated with new version AdobeAcrobatReaderDC21.001.20155_1.0.1.0_x64__8h66172c634n0_2.msix
But when we check the Manifest file by extracting loose file it is still using old min version 10.0.19025.0
Q: What value were you attempting to set for the MinVersion, and TestVersion?
Packaging machine version 2004 (OS Build 19041.985)
Default value:
<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="10.0.19025.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.19041.1" />
Test machine version 1909(OS Build 18363.1556)
Expected value
<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="10.0.18363.1556" MaxVersionTested="10.0.19041.1" />
Q: If you are using the Microsoft Packaging Tool to edit the AppXManifest, which version of the tool are you using?
MSIX Packaging Tool 1.2021.422.0
Just to update you we are providing an MSIX solution to our existing customer. they have an older build at their end.
- Roy_MacLachlanJun 03, 2021
Hi shreedhar_ghare,
Thank you for the quick response!
Following the steps you provided (using a newer Operating System, but same version of MSIX Packaging Tool) in the reproduction of the issue, I was able to successfully update the version information to the values you've specified, as well as setting for both the MaxVersionTested` and the MinVersion values. I wanted to confirm with you that after you updated the Manifest file, did you select File > Save from within Notepad?
After you've updated and closed the Windows App AppxManifest, re-open the file and verify that the setting changes you made were retained before saving and packaging your Windows App. Please let me know if the settings are updated to the values you've specified.
- shreedhar_ghareJun 04, 2021Copper ContributorHello Roy_MacLachlan
Thank you for your quick response!
As suggested by you we have tried the steps below,
1. Open MSIX file in Edit MSIX packaging Tool
2. Select "Open file" under Manifest section--> FIle opened in notepad.txt
3. Updated the MinVersion="10.0.18363.1556" Saved the notepad and closed
4 Again click the "Open file" option and observed that MinVersion still pointing to MinVersion="10.0.19025.0" old value.
That means settings are not getting updated with the "Open file" option. Please find the attached screenshot for more details.- Roy_MacLachlanJun 04, 2021
Hi shreedhar_ghare,
While editing the Windows App using the MSIX Packaging Tool, can you please review the Services report section, and confirm if there are any Services included in your package. (See the following image for reference)
Please follow the instructions found in the Microsoft Docs | MSIX Packaging Tool Logs Article to retrieve the MSIX Packaging Tool logs. You can share these as a Private message to myself, or as an attachment to this post.Thank you,