Forum Discussion
How to handle MSIX application shortcut Arguments using MSPT + PSF Files
I’m working on MSIX application shortcut Arguments for Mozilla Firefox to build some understanding on the process of how it works. I’m facing the issue as in below.
Note: I have tested the same using Advanced Installer and PSFTooling it works as expected, but when i’m trying to do same with PSF files i’m having issue.
Steps Performed
- In MSPT Monitoring phase installed the firefox application via VFS
- Not launched the shortcuts
- Copied the 32 bit (PSFLauncher32, psfruntime32,psfrundll32) files downloaded from and copied in “C:\ProgramFilesX86\Mozilla Firefox”
- Renamed PSFLauncher32 to PSFLauncher1
- Modified the Shortcut Target to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\PsfLauncher1.exe"
- Created a Json file referenced from PSFTooling and copied in “C:\ProgramFilesX86\Mozilla Firefox”
"enableReportError": true,
"applications": [
"executable": "VFS\\ProgramFilesX86\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
"arguments": "-devtools",
"workingDirectory": "VFS\\ProgramFilesX86\\Mozilla Firefox",
"stopOnScriptError": false
"processes": []
- Here is my Application manifest file details
<!--Package created by MSIX Packaging Tool version: 1.2019.1220.0-->
<Identity ProcessorArchitecture="x64" Version="" Publisher="CN=Contoso Software (FOR LAB USE ONLY), O=Contoso Corporation, C=US" Name="Firefox-MSPT-PSF-X86"/>
<Resource Language="en-us"/>
<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MaxVersionTested="10.0.18335.0" MinVersion="10.0.17763.0"/>
<rescap:Capability Name="runFullTrust"/>
-<Application EntryPoint="Windows.FullTrustApplication" Executable="VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Mozilla Firefox\PsfLauncher1.exe" Id="PSFLAUNCHEROne">
-<uap:VisualElements Description="Firefox" Square44x44Logo="Assets\Square44x44Logo.png" Square150x150Logo="Assets\Square150x150Logo.png" DisplayName="Firefox" BackgroundColor="transparent">
<uap:DefaultTile Square71x71Logo="Assets\Square71x71Logo.png" Square310x310Logo="Assets\Square310x310Logo.png" Wide310x150Logo="Assets\Wide310x150Logo.png"/>
Upon testing the package i get below error
I’m struggling hard to overcome this issue but no luck, Any Assistance/Guidance/direction will be much appreciated
- Dian HartonoMicrosoft
Hi KumarOne., can you verify that the config.json is in the same folder as PSFLauncher.exe?
- KumarOneCopper Contributor
- Dian HartonoMicrosoft