Forum Discussion
Dooyoul Chung
Oct 23, 2018Copper Contributor
Error makepri.exe failed, exit code = -2146958844
When I convert MSI to MSIX, I received error on makepri.exe. The same error occur both command line and UI. Anyone experience this error? Any suggestion to solve this error?
Cory Hendrixson
Oct 23, 2018This entry in the log file points to the (automatically generated) manifest invalid entry. There's something about this COM object that we don't handle correctly.
[10/22/2018 8:06:18 AM] [Error] e r r o r C 0 0 C E 1 A 1 : A p p m a n i f e s t v a l i d a t i o n e r r o r : T h e a p p m a n i f e s t m u s t b e v a l i d a s p e r s c h e m a : L i n e 1 9 , C o l u m n 3 8 6 6 , R e a s o n : ' 0 4 3 f 9 8 0 a - e d a 3 - 4 0 b 2 - 9 2 9 4 - 2 b a c 3 f 1 9 5 b 4 8 ' i s a d u p l i c a t e k e y f o r t h e u n i q u e I d e n t i t y C o n s t r a i n t ' { h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . m i c r o s o f t . c o m / a p p x / m a n i f e s t / f o u n d a t i o n / w i n d o w s 1 0 } C l a s s _ I d ' .
Could you send us the manifest file, which should be here (from your log file):
Is there anything unique about the COM object with that GUID in the application you're packaging?
Dooyoul Chung
Oct 23, 2018Copper Contributor
Thank you Cory for your review. I've attached manifest file for your review.
I will also take a look that ID associated COM class.
- Dooyoul ChungOct 29, 2018Copper Contributor
Hi Cory,
I've reviewed associated COM component again but nothing unusual. I've also noticed that the same error happen other MSI too. Is there any chance you have looking into Schema definition ?
Any update is appreciated.
- James PikeOct 30, 2018
Hi Dooyoul,
I am looking into the issue you reported.
No updates yet, but I will let you know as soon as we have a resolution for you.
In the meantime, you may have some luck if you manually limit the number of entry points added on the 'First Launch tasks' wizard page to one.
- Dooyoul ChungOct 30, 2018Copper Contributor
Hi James,
Thanks for the update. I had the same idea and tried out with only one entry point on the 'First Launch tasks' from wizard page but received the same error.