Forum Discussion

MajorMurphy's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 19, 2024

Debugging MS Store - Appxsym removed?

The Insights health report for my Win32 app only reports Unknown failure:   

So to resolve, I first generated debug symbols as a .pdb file using /DEBUG and /Zi

Then configured the MSIX packager to include symbols:

However symbols did not seem to be included yet.

Symbols were successfully included after following instructions in this Stackoverflow discussion to edit Microsoft.AppxPackage.Targets, setting AppxPackageIncludePrivateSymbols to true.  

I confirmed the newly generated .msixupload does indeed include a .appxsym file, which contains the .pdb debug symbols.


After submitting the .msixupload to the Partner Center for distribution, I install the new version from the MS Store but cannot locate the .pdb file.   And the health dashboard still only reports "Unknown" failures.


Any ideas how can I receive detailed crash reports for the app?


Thanks for any insights!

