Forum Discussion
Jan 11, 2023Copper Contributor
MSFT 365 Defender - Email & Collaboration email preview not working
Just curious, why the email preview under Email & Collaboration (explorer) is not working any more (All emails) It says "Message details couldn't be found. When a message is soft deleted or hard...
Jun 25, 2024Copper Contributor
Hello, maybe you have any new about this issue? We still can't preview or download emails from Explorer
- snewman2210Sep 28, 2024Copper Contributor
vknsm I don't have any insight into lack of preview due to the message being deleted, but if you see an error message when you mouse over the preview link that indicates you need a role permission, this is where you can make that role change:
Defender >System > Permissions > Email & Collaboration Roles > Data Investigator