Forum Discussion

Kaushal-Mehta's avatar
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Oct 11, 2021

Now in Public Preview: Teams Modern Search Results Page (SERP)

Microsoft Teams' Search helps you find what you need to complete what you're working on. Whether you're searching for people, files, org charts, messages, or answers to common questions, you can use Teams' Search. We have reimagined search and are bringing you a new experience. We got our early positive feedback for the richer, overhauled experience in various conversations earlier this year. Big thank you to everyone for their feedback, engagement and working together with Microsoft on this journey.

Feature Description:

The “All” new search results landing page.

The new experience introduces new full "All" page aligned with the Microsoft search experience. Fresh and clean look for messages, people and files expanded tabs. Ability to sort through relevance “top results” or “Date”. This was envisioned based on user feedback to bring consistency and coherence across endpoints.

In addition, Teams “All” search results page now has Answers included. What this means is new section at the top that brings in the most relevant answer. We can see Bookmarks and Acronyms right within Teams search results. Cool features to try in the new Teams search -

  • Bookmarks.
  • Acronyms.
  • Ability to sort by relevance and date.
  • Ability to expand a message result and get more context



Screenshot showing a Bookmark Answer and the sorting options



Screenshot showing the ability to expand a message result to view its preview


Discoverable filters for messages:

The new messages tab has expanded and discoverable filters. This was based on user feedback that the previous UX is too difficult to use, and filters are not discoverable. Also included is the ability to see in one quick glance if the message is 1:1, channel, meetings, or group chat. Messages tab includes the now familiar “Top Results”.

Try the new -

  •          Filters customized for the messages domain.
  •          Read/preview messages before drilling into the chat details.



Screenshot showing the message result expansion option with the various filters


People tab:

Saving users multiple clicks by providing in context details of the person with email, phone, org, building details.



Screenshot showing the people tab with results


Files tab with the new preview & filters:

Ability to filter on file type and previewing snapshot of file with details will help users reach the desired file faster, saving multiple clicks and typing.


Try the new -

  • Filters for file type, date, modified by.
  • Preview the file before opening with screenshot and metadata details.


Screenshot showing the files results with the new preview and the filters



Flighting status

Available to everyone in Public Preview channel

How to enable your client for Preview

Step 1: IT admins – read instructions here

Step 2: Users – read instructions here [Link from Jessica Reading]

Feature release notes

Feature should be mentioned here before posting -

How to enable the feature


O365 workload, Microsoft products dependency

Workload, product etc

Dependency (Yes/No)

If yes, please share version requirement and any other dependency requirements

Office build


To open a file in the Office desktop apps, users must install and activate version 16 or higher of PowerPoint/Word/Excel.


Clients supported -

The desktop Teams clients for Windows and Mac are supported for now.



Known issues


Known limitations



How to provide feedback

If you run into any issues report them via your Teams client à Help (bottom left) à Give feedback


Thank you,

Preview Team, Gopinath Dwarakanathan

Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams
