Forum Discussion
Apr 02, 2021Now in public preview: Honor OS date time settings
Feature description
Teams will now respect the date and time format corresponding with the Mac and Windows OS regional setting on desktop. If you are in a country not using the en-US format, you now see yours instead of the default en-US.
Flighting status
Currently in Public Preview channel
How to enable the feature
Mac – Go to system preferences -> Language & Region. You can set your date and time prefferences there or you can go to Advanced and customize it even more. When you are done you have to restart Teams for changes to take effect.
Windows – Open settings -> Search for “language” and open Language settings. Go to Region and select your preferences. When you are done you have to restart Teams for changes to take effect.
Clients supported
Windows and Mac desktop
Known issues
The Yukon region is not supported now (Electron dependency) but users can set the time zone to Arizona to get the correct behavior.
Known limitations
The feature is supported for calendar and messages. It is not supporting third party apps like planner, shifts etc.
Only Gregorian calendar is supported
How to provide feedback
If you run into any issues report them via your Teams client Help (bottom left) Give feedback
Thank you,
Preview Team, Martin Masek
Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams
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