Forum Discussion

Kaushal-Mehta's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jun 17, 2022

Now in public preview: Chat with Yourself


Teams will now support Chat with Self, a way to send yourself messages, images, files and do everything you can in a regular chat. A Chat with Self is a space that’s just for you. You can try out new features within the confines of a safe sandbox, send notes to yourself, share content with yourself to be able to access it easier across your different devices, and more.

This feature will show up automatically in a user’s pinned chat lists, and they can choose to keep it there or remove it. If they choose to remove it, the chat will just live in the chat list. If the user wants to find it again, they can click on New chat, type in their own name, and start chatting with themselves again. The user can also go to their own people card and start a chat from there.

The content in the self chat is searchable through the search bar at the top of the chat list, however, the user cannot (yet) search for themselves in that search box. 












User can search for themselves in the To: line when starting a new chat

User sees empty state of a new chat with themselves explaining the feature

User can send themselves messages and try out new features


User sees themselves in the chat list and in the pinned list (can unpin if they want)


User can also access chat with self from their own people card by tapping the leftmost chat icon


User can share things with themselves from their device for easier access later









User can search for themselves in the To: line when starting a new chat

User sees empty state of a new chat with themselves explaining the feature

User can send themselves messages and try out new features


User sees themselves in the chat list and in the pinned list (can unpin if they want)


User can also access chat with self from their own people card by tapping the leftmost chat icon


User can share things with themselves from their device for easier access later


Flighting status

Available to everyone in Public Preview and mobile apps.

How to enable

Enabled by default for all tenants.

Note: If you need information about enabling the public preview itself, see “Enable the public preview for Teams” below.



Supported clients and platforms

Windows 10




























Known issues

  • None


Known limitations

  • The content in the self chat is searchable through the search bar at the top of the chat list, however, the user cannot (yet) search for themselves in that search box. 
  • Tenant policies for chat history retention apply to this feature

Enable your Teams client for the public preview 


  1. First, IT admins need to set an update policy that turns on Show preview features. Learn how at Public preview in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs.  
  2. Users then choose to join the public preview individually. See Get early access to new Teams features - Office Support ( for instructions. 


Summary of public preview features

For a history of features in the Office and Teams public previews, see Release Notes Current Channel (Preview) - Office release notes | Microsoft Docs.



Send us your feedback 

Got feedback on features in the public preview or other areas of Teams? Let us know straight from Teams via Help Give feedback 


Thank you,

Preview Team, Jason_Schumacher 

Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams

  • JMcDaniel_FL's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Please, please, please have a way to permanently turn this off! It's annoying. I hide and unpin and it keeps coming that wart you thought you froze off.
  • BenCarlIGT's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    How do we turn off this feature permanently? I have tried several times to unpin the "chat with myself" window, but each day it's right back pinned to the top of my chat list. Please provide an option to turn this off permanently!
  • "can unpin if they want" = How can I do that? The only option I see for the chat with myself is the "pop out" button.

  • JaneFoster84's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Teams does not give you a true choice to remove this feature. You can unpin it but it'll come back and re-pin itself. It's not immediately after restarting Teams, but may require a computer restart. In any case, I've unpinned it at least a dozen times in the past week and it always comes back. This needs to be fixed.
  • AndieMiller's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    So I've run into a strange hang up. It is telling me that I can't send messages because I'm not a member of the chat... with myself?
  • Jin Chen's avatar
    Jin Chen
    Iron Contributor
    This one is good. But it does not work on my ios. I have it enabled on my desktop app, and it worked. But I cannot find the chat in ios, although I do have Previewed enabled on my phone
  • This feature is not working in our tenant. I have Public Preview enabled. If I try to chat with self I get error--We are sorry - We've run into an issue. Try again.
    • ConnorUhrig's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      I had the same issue, but I just went to the web version today and it was pinned to my chats after switching to public preview. After this, I sent a quick message and it began being shown in Teams Desktop (Electron) in public preview and all updates installed as well as Teams iOS and Android.
