Forum Discussion

Kaushal-Mehta's avatar
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Feb 11, 2021

Now in Public Preview channel - 2x2 video on Edge and Chrome browsers on Windows and Mac



Users can now see up to 4 participants' video in Teams meetings in Edge and Chrome browsers.


Flighting status

Available to everyone now in Public Preview channel. 


How to enable

Join a Teams meeting in Edge or Chrome browser and ask other participants to turn on the camera. You will be able to see up to 4 participants' video at the same time.


Note: If you need information about enabling the public preview itself, see “Enable the public preview for Teams” below.


Supported web clients





Internet Explorer






Minimal version: Two latest versions of Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) and Google Chrome browsers are supported on Windows and macOS.


How does this feature impact the existing experience?

No impact as this is an addition



Known issues

User might experience issues in video quality, such as occasional video freezes.  Pin participant feature can be used as a workaround for 2x2 video quality issues to return to the single video.   


Known limitations



Enable your Teams client for the public preview 


  1. First, IT admins need to set an update policy that turns on Show preview features. Learn how at Public preview in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs.  
  2. Users then choose to join the public preview individually. See Get early access to new Teams features - Office Support ( for instructions. 


Summary of public preview features

For a history of features in the Office and Teams public previews, see Release Notes Current Channel (Preview) - Office release notes | Microsoft Docs. 


Send us your feedback 

Got feedback on features in the public preview or other areas of Teams? Let us know straight from Teams via Help Give feedback 


Thank you,

Preview Team Jan Steberl

Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams

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