Forum Discussion
Feb 01, 2024Now in Public Preview & Targeted release: Teams Discover Feed
For all features, refer: What's new in Microsoft Teams Public Preview & Targeted Release - Microsoft Support
The Teams Discover Feed is a personalized, relevance-based feed of Te...
Feb 19, 2024Hey skrake2080 ,
We do not have an option to disable Discover Feed right now.
It's in our pipeline for evaluation and will keep this post updated on the decisions made regarding this.
Feb 23, 2024Copper Contributor
For other users reading this: Upvote this
To Chaitra and team - I do not think mandatory evaluation of your function is a smart way to do it. It's only a nuisance to users. The function in it self adds no value what-so-ever. The created teams for organizing communication couldn't possibly benefit from mixing it all up again disorderly? One main reason for organizing communication in to teams and channels is to make it more efficient and easy to choose when you want to get informed or informed others.
What is the purpose?
To Chaitra and team - I do not think mandatory evaluation of your function is a smart way to do it. It's only a nuisance to users. The function in it self adds no value what-so-ever. The created teams for organizing communication couldn't possibly benefit from mixing it all up again disorderly? One main reason for organizing communication in to teams and channels is to make it more efficient and easy to choose when you want to get informed or informed others.
What is the purpose?