Forum Discussion

a-chris's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 18, 2023

Anyone not able to add new members/guests or even channels in the new Teams preview?

I don't see any way for me to add new members or guests to my teams (I'm the owner). Right clicking menu shows only a few options, namely "manage team" which also have no clear way of adding members. 


Anyone else dealing with this?


Seriously, it's like 4 steps forward 5 steps back. I know it's a preview, but the above are simple core features. Really wanted to use this preview so I can easily switch between organizations. Looks like MS365 is not ready for this yet, I'll be considering alternatives.

  • Belisch's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi community,
    I just decided to switch and test the new Teams Preview. Really like the more compact Teams navigation and the great Show All Channels that now opens it in static all that is available. As well the across organization alert is awesome.
    BUT it seems we still cannot create channels or I have not found were this important feature went hiding. Appreciate any input. In the meantime I will switch back to old version.
    Thank you!

  • CPStew's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Just came across the same issue. A team owner cannot add members to an existing Team in the "New Teams."
  • BjarteApply's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    a-chris Missing here as well. Anyone heard when Microsoft is planning to implement this in Teams Preview? I would consider this to be pretty basic functionality to get in place before releasing a preview version of Teams 🙂

  • LandyMan's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    a-chris Same issue here. had to revert this morning to the "real" Teams app to add users to a Team

  • Jenny_Bruce's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Hi a-chris 

    Confirming that we have same issue with the new Teams app currently in preview.  Adding a new channel is an essential requirement for Team owners in the app.

    Given announcement indicates standard release rollout is about to commence fairly soon we find the absence of this feature a bit concerning.

    Update 8.38 AEST- In the Features section of new Teams  Adoption information (last updated 12 April 2023) it says they are still working on: 

    • Teams and channel creation, cross-posting, and channel announcements

    among other things

    • a-chris's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thank you for also confirming Jenny_Bruce
      I've also checked with colleagues in other organizations trying the preview and they're saying the same thing. I agree, the lack of these essential and most basic features is a concern given the rollout schedule.
