Forum Discussion
Logic app to close adminstrative tasks
I am trying to create a logic app that closes adminstrative tasks in sentinel after checking Userprincipalname and IPaddress. It will also check if the userprincipalname exists in a watchlist at the same time. But this didn't seem to work, can i get any help here?
- Clive_WatsonBronze Contributor
Without providing the code you are using for "check if the userprincipalname exists in a watchlist " its hard for us to troubleshoot. Did the code work but you didnt get the right result, or did the code not work?
I'm assuming you did something like this, I used a datatable to simulate this
let watchlist_ = datatable(UserPrincipalName:string)
'email address removed for privacy reasons',
'email address removed for privacy reasons'
| where UserPrincipalName in (watchlist_)