Forum Discussion

rootsmusic's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jul 28, 2020

Microsoft Professional Program retiring edX courses

Where can I find your announcement regarding the retirement of edX courses taught in a Microsoft Professional Program?  Thanks.
  • JanErikFriedrichs's avatar
    Aug 03, 2020

    Hello rootsmusic, all edX courses have been retired as part of the closing of the MPP program. Thus, the old exams are replaced, while the courses do not get replaced directly but get new courses on Microsoft Learn/Docs fitting the new exams. These courses are usually available by the time an exam comes out of beta.


    For example, for the old BI Reporting, you had the edX courses "DAT206x" and "DAT207x" for the 70-778 and 70-779 exams respectively. The courses and exams were retired for the replacement exam DA-100, for which you have the Learning Paths listed below the exam now (i.e. here, also see picture below). The new learning paths as per the new exams are already available and get continuously updated. Some old courses without replacement in the new model are still available on edX, such as DAT207x, Power Query in Excel (the corresponding exam 70-779 was discontinued without replacement).


    There is no "training-vacuum", replacements as they will exist are already given in some form or other (or coming soon). For exam-relating training you can check the free learning paths and modules on Docs (here), or as in the example right on the webpage of the exam/certificate.


    Kind regards



    (just for length the screenshot only shows the first two items, there are more)
