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SarahStetz's avatar
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Feb 28, 2023

Business Applications Academic Community Members Share Success with MSLE

Microsoft’s core educational mission is to ensure the highest quality of curriculum for students and to ensure their competitive gain in the job market. Since announcing that the Business Applications Academic Community (BAAC) is transitioning to the Microsoft Learn for Educators (MSLE) platform in July 2022 educators have been able to take full advantage of the benefits offered by MSLE.


As the job market becomes more competitive and oriented towards experience and educational background, Microsoft Certification and access to cloud-based licenses have become an invaluable resource for both educators and their students. As one of our many BAAC educators who have joined the MSLE platform explains his satisfaction with offering Microsoft Official Certification to his students another explains the simplicity and need to use the MSLE platform in his teachings.


Business Applications Academic Community educator, Professor Muhammad Razi of Michigan State University joined the Microsoft Learn for Educators platform not only to incorporate Microsoft Official Curriculum and the instructor-led training materials into his classroom, but to offer their students access to official Microsoft Certification.


Professor Razi knows that certifications have been an added “bonus” for his students, pointing out that, “writing on a resume or CV that I have Microsoft Certifications” puts his students at the top of a career candidate list.  Over the last many months Professor Razi has provided with great success in passing and obtaining these certifications.


Certifications have proven to be such a benefit for Professor Razi and his students that Michigan State University has applied to become designated Certiport Testing Center to allow students to more efficiently and conveniently take certification exams.


Not only are the BAAC educators taking advantage of the MSLE certification they are also excited to incorporate lab seats. These lab seats provide educators with the ability to provision labs to their students for enabling hands-on experience and skills validation.


Educator Frank Serneels of Odisee University in Belgium recognizes that the industry has transitioned to cloud-based learning and was determined to empower his students with lab seats and curriculum provided by Microsoft through the MSLE platform.


Professor Serneels can confirm that not only was it easy to adapt to MSLE, but that its cloud-based nature has provided new opportunities for him to feel empowered to construct an even more sophisticated and advanced learning path for his students. 


“There's a lot of interest from our students to have more and more cloud products.” With the industry-wide transition taking place, Professor Serneels and students have taken advantage of the robust program and has created a self-paced curriculum that meets the needs of a modern educational environment.


With only a few months before the Business Applications Academic Community fully transitions to the Microsoft Learn for Educators platform, we encourage all educators to enroll and begin utilizing the curriculum, lab seats, and certifications that MSLE has to offer.


Sign-Up For MSLE Now


Review BAAC Transition Announcement 



Success Story Credited to Gabriel Theis


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