Forum Discussion

Cloud0009's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 16, 2023

Secure score power BI dashboard

We are following

to deploy secure score over the time dashboard for MDC. however steps for the deployment are very old when we had azure security center instead of MDC and prerequisites are not properly documented. As per the article we need to:

  1. Export the secure score data to Log analytics workspace by using continuous report option in MDC portal.
  2. Deploy Secure Score over the time workbook which can export the secure score data to Log Analytics workspace (not clear if this will pull reports every 24 hours and what permissions are required on Log Analytics workspace and to deploy the workbook)
  3. Do we need to export the secure score data to same Log Analytics workspace on which MDC is deployed or a separate workspace is needed ?
  4. If MDC already uses Log analytics workspace in the backend to store the logs then why can't we pull the secure score log data directly? why we need to export the secure score data to Log Analytics workspace first then to connect it to dashboard ?
  • We do not maintain that PBI report any more and recommend using the built-in "Security Score over time" workbook instead. Thank you.
