Forum Discussion
Stephen Bell
Oct 27, 2017Iron Contributor
Office 365 Pro Plus - Updating via GPO (without SCCM)
Hello all, Question about updating Office 365 pro plus via gpo / registry settings from a UNC share. It is my understanding that there is a scheduled task that runs at each logon and a couple of...
Oct 27, 2017
Hi Stephen,
Are you doing this process ?
You need to see the logs
To enable verbose logging, launch cmd as administrator and run the following command:
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClickToRun\OverRide /v LogLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 3
ULS log file is created both in the %temp% folder and the %windir%\temp folder. The file name is of the following format:
For example Keith-201420141610-1434.log. Once these logs have been retrieved and analyzed, verbose logging should be disabled by running the following command from an administrative command-prompt:
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClickToRun\OverRide /v LogLevel /f
- Stephen BellNov 02, 2017Iron Contributor
Hi Nuno,
Yes that is the guideline we are following. We found that our original issue was that the scheduled task runs under the SYSTEM account. The upgrade was on a file server that the user also had a mapped drive to. I am pretty sure there is a "rule" that says windows will not allow an SMB connection to a server from a the same PC using two different accounts.
With that being said - we moved it to a different server and it worked one with one of the machines in our pilot. However - it hasn't happened on any of the other machines in the pilot?? If we manually hit the Update Now button in one of the pro plus applications, the update is installed...
This seems way more complicated than it should be -- or we must be missing something?!?!
- David LambrechtNov 23, 2017Brass Contributor
Hi We are also trying to do this. I made gpo with updates enabled /current/ update path. MY path is \\server\odt\ALLLang\Office\Data In that folder is have 1 folder with the version name and the dat file in it. and 2 cab files. Is it correct that i need to refer to this folder the data folder ?
Cause it doesnt seem to work now.
I have the gpo applied and checked in regedit the path is there but update isnt comming .
i also force the task in task sheduler.
Regards, David
- Stephen BellNov 24, 2017Iron Contributor
Hi David,
Our GPO is set up to point to \\server\share
The only thing in \\server\share is Office.
Within office we have combined the 32 and 64 bit versions...for example
..\Office\Data\ and ..\Office\Data\, etc.