Forum Discussion
Wayne Johnson
Feb 21, 2020Copper Contributor
O365ProPlusRetail install using the ODT does not install teams
I am using the following XML to install OfficeProPlus. <Info Description="Office 365 (64 Bit) Monthly Channel" /> <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Monthly"> <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail...
Feb 24, 2020Wayne Johnson On Teams: I would double-check if there is a GPO applied which surpresses Teams. Check if the following regkey exists: HKLM\software\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\common\officeupdate!preventteamsinstall If yes, remove the GPO and retest.
On your XML: You can remove the section with Product=LanuagePack, as this is redundant if you already use MatchOS for O365ProPlusRetail.
Nov 06, 2020Copper Contributor
manoth_msft I've checked for this key and it does not exist. Any other suggestions? I am using a similar ODTConfig.xml file. I've excluded the same apps with the exclusion of Outlook added.
Thank you in advance for your time!
- ChristianBergstromNov 06, 2020Silver Contributor
JustinFollett Hi, the config looks OK as you're using a similar one. Would you mind rebooting or having the user log off / login when completed. That needs to be done to fully complete the installation of Teams.
- JustinFollettNov 06, 2020Copper Contributor
ChristianBergstrom aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that did it. Thank you very much for pointing out what I should have noticed...... MS did a good job of calling that out, I did a good job of skipping over it.
Thank you again!