Forum Discussion
Sep 26, 2017New add-in inventory report for Configuration Manager
Today a new report was released to the GitHub community site that allows you to collect and view an inventory of the Office Add-ins that are in use by the clients that you manage with System Center C...
Oct 21, 2020Copper Contributor
Had to adjust the report files with report builder as they had a hard coded database name of CM_S01, but this works great!
Oct 22, 2020Copper Contributor
found a slight problem here... It does not record addins that come from the microsoft store. This appears to only capture COM addins that are installed on the machine.
This makes it useless for me, because we had the setting turned on that people could install applications from the microsoft store and the end goal here is for me to figure out who has done that and what they are using. This does not appear to work for this purpose.
- moreteamsfeaturesOct 23, 2020Copper Contributor
found this article now, and it shows you with one power shell command, how to extract this information from exchange and dump it into a CSV. even goes over how to create a nice pivot table chart!
Here is the command incase that page goes defunct:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | ForEach-Object {Get-App -Mailbox $_.identity | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, Enabled, AppVersion | Export-Csv applist-export.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append}
you could easily tweak that to find which user has what plugin too.