Forum Discussion

rimetree's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 11, 2020

MigrateArch+AllowCdnFallback Not Getting Missing Content from CDN

Dear Community,

Here's my scenario:

  • Office 32-bit semi-annual 1908 build 16.0.11929.20562 installed on a machine. English and Finnish languages installed
  • Trying to migrate from 32-bit to 64-bit using the MigrateArch parameter
  • Also set AllowCdnFallback to True since we are using a 64-bit source that only contains bits for English
  • There are two LanguageID parameters set: MatchInstalled and MatchOS
  • Executing the ODT with this XML, the installation fails with the error: "Couldn't stream Office"

Based on the guidance regarding MigrateArch, the Finnish language files should come down from the CDN if AllowCdnFallback = True. The XML file, source folder image and error image are in the attached zip file. Any assistance is very much appreciated.



  • rimetree Doug, do you want to change anything else on the device other than switching the architecture from x86 to x64? If you want to "just" switch architecture and not change anything else, the below XML is mich shorter and sufficient:


    <Configuration ID="7c606d48-e2a2-487a-b2dd-70e28b4dc1f3">
      <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" AllowCdnFallback="True" OfficeMgmtCOM="True" MigrateArch="TRUE" />
      <Updates Enabled="TRUE" />
        <Setup Name="Company" Value="Contoso" />
        <User Key="software\microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\autodiscover" Name="zeroconfigexchange" Value="1" Type="REG_DWORD" App="outlk16" Id="L_AutomaticallyConfigureProfileBasedOnActive" />
      <Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />


    Can you also doublecheck if there is a located in the Office\Data subfolder? Or just a

    • rimetree's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Thanks manoth_msft 

      Yes, all I really want to do is transition to 64-bit but it seems the presence of the additional language is throwing it off. I'll test this XML and see how it goes. I confirmed both .cab files are in the data folder.



    • rimetree's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      The ODT doesn't seem to like the file. Getting this error:


      • rimetree's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        Just a quick update. I imported the config file into the customization tool and it reported a few parameters that were missing. Once I added those and saved the new config the install was able to run. So far, even with language packs installed, it seems like the migration to 64-bit is working. Still testing but thanks for the guidance.


