Forum Discussion
Oct 24, 2024Copper Contributor
displayDialogAsync shows empty dialog box
I am using my Outlook add-in to display a dialog box. However, if I use displayInIframe:true then the contents of the dialog box won't load. After a few seconds, it will display the attached error in the dialog box and I'll see an error in the console that says "[Report Only] This document requires 'TrustedScript' assignment." I have tried to see if there's any error by using a callback, but that always says that it succeeded. The URL is on the same domain as the code hosted by the add-in. I am getting this issue in OWA on Chrome and Firefox as well as PWA. In classic Outlook the content doesn't load either, but I also don't see that error in the console.
{height: 30, width: 20, promptBeforeOpen: false, displayInIframe: true},
function (result) {
console.log('Callback result:');
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