Forum Discussion
Jan 22, 2019Set label comment for users
Using either New-ComplianceTag or Set-ComplianceTag I cannot see a way to set the user comment for a label whereas you can through the UI. There is a single parameter called -Comment which if you provide it, sets the admin comment for the label.
Anyone know if this is possible through PowerShell?
I am not sure if it matters because although the tooltip states that the user description will appear as a popup when the user hovers over a label, I cannot get this to work anywhere? Anyone seen this in action?
I don't believe it's possible via PowerShell, but adding TonyRedmond to confirm.
I don't think so either... But I will have a look-see.
PS C:\temp> Set-ComplianceTag -Identity "Office 365 for IT Pros eBook Content" -Comment "Best files for the best book"