Forum Discussion

Zeff Wheelock's avatar
Zeff Wheelock
Iron Contributor
Feb 20, 2018

Secure score not updating since Feb 14

My secure score has not been updated since Feb 14.  Has anyone else had this issue?  I have tried in 3 different browsers.


  • Hi Peter, The issue should be solved. My tenant shows a date of the 25th which is the latest date we have data for.
    • Peter Harrison's avatar
      Peter Harrison
      Copper Contributor

      It is now updating. Thanks for sorting that out. However, it is incorrect. We have today lost 20 points due to "Enable Client Rules Forwarding Block" getting 0 even though that was implemented last week, was being credited and remains implemented. We have also not yet been credited with enabling MFA for all global admins, using audit data, designating less than 5 global admins and configuring an expiry time for external sharing links. The two related to admins were only implemented yesterday but the others were older. Not a huge issue given that there are a number of actions we've taken for which there is no telemetry yet so I'm working out our "real" score manually, but a bit frustrating.

      • Zeff Wheelock's avatar
        Zeff Wheelock
        Iron Contributor

        I think it is a temporary rip in the time-space continuum.  I have the same, but I suspect that tomorrow it will be corrected.

    • Annalou Velasco's avatar
      Annalou Velasco
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Anthony,


      My client wants to know if there is a time indication when Microsoft create or activate the telemetry for this control? Client did not receive the points for the configuration of Set outbound spam notification.



      • Anthony Smith (A.J.)'s avatar
        Anthony Smith (A.J.)
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Hi Annalou,


        That control is flagged as not scored.  This means that we don't have the telemetry wired up to the control yet and hence why your client (or anyone else) will get the points for it.  Once we wire this up everyone who has enabled this will get the points credited.

  • Hi Everyone,


    We are aware of the scoring data not being updated and are working on correcting this.  I currently see the data updated as of the 18th.

  • Mike Wade's avatar
    Mike Wade
    Copper Contributor

    I have the exact same issue.  Contacted support and they ran the re-synch process in the back-end yesterday.  As of now it still has not updated on my page either. 

    • feyrah null's avatar
      feyrah null
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Mike,


      Can you please check if your tenant Security Score is now updated?




  • It's happening to my client too. It is not updated from the same date. not sure exactly why.

    • feyrah null's avatar
      feyrah null
      Copper Contributor

      For my client too. 

      O365 Support

      Deleted wrote:

      It's happening to my client too. It is not updated from the same date. not sure exactly why.
