Forum Discussion

Aaron Myers's avatar
Aaron Myers
Brass Contributor
Sep 24, 2018

Secure score Enable Cloud App Security

I noticed we had some more options in our Secure Score today. One of which is, "You should adopt the Office 365 Cloud App Security Console." The thing is, we have it enabled and have for some time. Is there something else we should be doing to make it evaluate as true? Thanks, Aaron
  • Hi Aaron,


    If you have the Office 365 Cloud App Security (not to be confused with Microsoft Cloud App Security)enabled you should be getting the points.  If not, please use the feedback button in Secure Score to report this to us.  


    There are also new controls today for Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Cloud App Security.  There will be a blog post soon with the details.  For the high level info and all the major security info from Microsoft Ignite, check out the Microsoft Secure Blog.

  • James Miller's avatar
    James Miller
    Copper Contributor

    Just a quick follow up question. As Microsoft Cloud App Security as it is a superset of the features in Office 365 Cloud App Security, should you automatically get the points if you have Microsoft Cloud App Security?


    It seems a little silly to need to subscribe to both if you don’t need it.



    • Anthony Smith (A.J.)'s avatar
      Anthony Smith (A.J.)
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi James,


      The control for Office 365 Cloud App Security is unique to that solution as it is just checking if you have enabled it.  If you own Microsoft Cloud App Security only the new controls specific for this solution will work for you.

  • Hi Aaron,


    If you have the Office 365 Cloud App Security (not to be confused with Microsoft Cloud App Security)enabled you should be getting the points.  If not, please use the feedback button in Secure Score to report this to us.  


    There are also new controls today for Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Cloud App Security.  There will be a blog post soon with the details.  For the high level info and all the major security info from Microsoft Ignite, check out the Microsoft Secure Blog.

    • Norm Kromberg's avatar
      Norm Kromberg
      Brass Contributor

      I just submitted feedback.  We are not getting the points.  

    • Aaron Myers's avatar
      Aaron Myers
      Brass Contributor

      Office 365 Cloud App Security (not to be confused with Microsoft Cloud App Security)

      Yeah, that's not confusing at all. It looks like we have both so I'll go ahead and use the feedback on the Secure Score page. Thanks for the follow up!


      • Anthony Smith (A.J.)'s avatar
        Anthony Smith (A.J.)
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Hi Aaron,


        Note that if you own both solutions, you should only be able to access Microsoft Cloud App Security as it is a superset of the features in Office 365 Cloud App Security.  Links that take you to Office 365 Cloud App Security dashboard should take you to the Microsoft Cloud App Security dashboard instead.
